Feb 16, 2009

Super Hero Museum 2

A Joe Shuster sketch.

A couple of Jerry Siegel sketches.

The Super Hero museum was the collection of one mans treasures, Dane Nash.

He was/is a huge Superman fan and around 70% museum was dedicated to his Superman collection.

I don't know what Mr. Nash did for a living to be able to afford all these toys but when I asked him he said "My parents said If I would take care of my toys they would buy me more.".

They did.

Kirk Alyn Superman suit from the 1940s.

I like how these suits are in actual black and white.

I saw them in color in my mind although our TV set was black and white as well.

George Reeves suit from the 1950s.

These suits were kinda like long johns the way they were knit together and the "S" was made of felt maybe.
This was long before spandex and notice the stirrups for the pants.

Stay tuned for more!!!


Brian Ashmore said...

Wow!!! That stuff is SO cool! Love the costumes. That must have been neat to see everything, firsthand.

I just watched Hollywoodland for the first time this past weekend...about George Reeves. It was very interesting...but not one for the kiddies.

Brian B said...

Very cool and I haven't gotten to the Batman stuff yet.

Hollywoodland= All who have seen it have told me not to see it.
So I haven't.

Brian Ashmore said...

Yeah, "interesting" about covers it. Not one I'd heartily recommend. Walmart, $4. So, I thought I'd at least check it out.