Feb 23, 2009

Just A Swinging

Chad and Dana swinging behind the house while Mom watches on.

The thing Chad is swinging on is a water skiing handle that I dug out of the trash at the Boat Sport and Travel Show.

The makers of the handle put on a show where they put this handle through a stress test until it broke and then they had a boy come hang on it to show that you could still use it after it was broken.

They threw out some fishing line into the crowd that I caught and then after the show they chucked this broken handle in the trash.

Well, their show convinced me of the handles strength so I dug it out and brought it home.

We turned it into a trapeze swing and used it for many years until one day I was hanging from it by my legs and it broke. Stupid thing.

1 comment:

Brian Ashmore said...

"We turned it into a trapeze swing and used it for many years until one day I was hanging from it by my legs and it broke. Stupid thing."

Ah, this explains a lot. It's all making sense now.

Ha, ha!!!!