Nov 17, 2009


Looks like we were out enjoy nature again.
1973 and nature looks wonderful.

Chad is totally amazed.

Looks like Brett is bent over to get a new rock to throw.

I have a rock and am ready to let it fly.
Just look at the determination on my face.

I am pretty sure that this is my cousin Karen sitting next to me.
I wonder where this was?


karen said...

I hope your mom can tell me where we are. my mind is playing tricks on me. cousin karen

Brian B said...

I hope she does too.
Here I will ask her.

Mom! Mom!
Where were we in this slide?


Can you here me?


Emmalea said...

Dad googled some area in Brown County. Seriously - we think we found that spillway north of the Yellow Wood forest. It was Crooked Creek Lake. Makes sense. Dad liked to take the back roads and explore places without all the people around. That's getting harder to do nowadays.