Jan 29, 2010

Birth of a Fireplace

Mixing the mud to be used in assembling our fireplace.
As an adult I know just how much easier it is to do your job while people watch you.

This guys job is going to be real easy.

Mom and Dad went with a color additive to make the mortar black.

Chad liked the looks of the work so much he decided to jump in and help.
You can tell he is a novice because he needs to show a little more of his backside to really be working.

Three boys watching his every move.
"Why did you pick that rock?"
"Can we stick pennies in it when your done?" and other fun things thrown out at him while he works.

For as many time as were were told that "This is the messiest I have ever seen this living room!" I point my parents back to this picture and say "No this is the messiest it had ever been.".

The performer and his audience.

Seems like I remember that on our way home we stopped at Dairy Queen and this guy was there too.
We sat at the booth next to him and we watched him eat.

Almost finished.

You can tell we have had a fire in it to test out the fireplace.
We see Monroe hanging proudly over the mantle.
Our story closes with Brett sitings on the coach watching T.V..

Home sweet home.


Brett said...

Watching the Black & White TV! I think it was years later that we finally got the new fangled color type.

Emmalea said...

Let's see now. You were in high school and Jan Hansen was surprised we didn't have a color TV then. When he came back a few years later - one of the first things he noticed was that we FINALLY had a color TV! In fact he asked if we were on the news as the last people in the USA to have color TV. Jan always had a keen sense of humor. Wonder where he is now?????