Aug 22, 2008

Butler Olympics

You will see the Butler boys in a lot of sports on What My Dad Saw especially as we got older.

Here is our version of the Summer Olympics.
Chad starts us out with some volleyball.

Brett moves us on to diving.

While I come back with the famous "staple" dive.

On to track and field.
Brett puts in a ducky performance in the high jump.
Now my turn.

Notice the cinder track, foam in net landing area and the bent bar.
Me receiving the red ribbon for high jump.
I recognize Mr. Mishler and Paul Strugell in the picture.

1 comment:

Emmalea said...

Now THAT display of photos is totally clever for this week! Too CUTE.

I also see Gary Campbell in the photo. I will have to send this archival photo to him. He is still at ICMS and is and does an awesome job with their track team. They are still churning out track champs 30 years after these photos.