1. Batman
This show marked me for life.
I have a room in my home that displays my fascination for Batman.

My brothers and I spent many hours playing the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

3. The Six Million Dollar Man
Now when my brothers and I played we made a "Bnnnn nnnn" sound and ran in slow motion.

I can remember all of us gathering around to watch this each week.
After we watched this show when my brother Chad would get mad he would pull his shirt off, flex and growl at us.

I still love this show and think all kids today should watch it.

I love the mysterious and this show had plenty of mystery and special effects.
Think X Files for the 70's.

A fun show that my Dad really liked.
I have a cousin named Linda Carter and I would go to school and tell my friend that I was related to Linda Carter. Well I am.

Bill Bixby is on my list again and this really was the same show as the Incredible Hulk but this time he was a magician and not as angry. (I think this show predates the Incredible Hulk)

Scary and fun.
This was a television series that spun off the movies.
We stopped playing army and switched to the planet of the apes.
Same thing we just ran funnier.

10. Lucan/Man from Atlantis
I have a tie here. I liked both of these and wanted to list them both.
After these shows we swam under water and ran like wolves.
I could list many more but I had draw the line some where.
I now Tag these fellow bloggers to list there favorite shows in the 70's.
Preacher Wife-Me
Yesterville Toy Room
Art by Bubba Shelby
And those of you who comment regularly please give us your list in the comment section.
Great idea!! My list is up. Thanks for tagging me.
"We stopped playing army and switched to the planet of the apes.
Same thing we just ran funnier."
Ha! This cracked me up. Good line.
You know, Brady Bunch might have made my list but I didn't see a single episode until I was an adult. Didn't EVERYONE grow up watching the Bradys? I didn't. So, it must have been on a channel we didn't get...or my parents deliberately and actively conspired to keep the Bradys from my television vocabulary.
I missed the tag portion of this post when I looked at it the first time - okay time to get cracking!
This is a very good list of shows. The Six Million Dollar Man rocked.
Charlie's Angels would have made my list for sure. My sister and I never missed an episode and frequently pretended to be our favorite character. Mine was Sabrina beacuase she was smart and wore turtlenecks. Since I lived in Houston and it never really got cold enough to wear a turtle neck, I thought they were "exotic". To further enhance my overall nerdiness, I also loved The Price is Right and my hero, Bob Barker. He knew everything, was a snappy dresser and looked out for animals (Don't forget to have your pet spayed or neutered). Who could ask for anything more?
Fans of The Magician might be interested in www.TheMagicianDVD.com for a ton of great web links related to the show, DVDs, digital downloads and even commemorative "The Magician" playing cards like Tony Blake used :-)
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