Nov 18, 2008


Here is "Fred's Mis-Steak" # 5.
"Leggo! that's my steak, Fred" Barney protested.

I ran out of free bandwidth until next month so I can't animate these right now unless someone wants to send me $40.

I found this cool scan of Tinkerbell and Captain Hook. Here

I also found a lot of other interesting things out on the web concerning View Master reels.

The View Master was born in Portland and they recently had a show there with some of their old models on displayed.

I also heard the Fisher Price has some models on display at their offices but I haven't found any pictures of them yet.

A nice one of Tigger.

This next one has some figures from Cinderella, Pebbles and Bam Bam and Fred's work Brontosaur from one of the reels I scanned.

Here is the artist behind many of these great pieces of art,
Florence Thomas.

More info HERE

Look at the detail. This looks like this scene is from the movie "The Sword in the Stone".

Here is her assistant, Joe Liptak working on Peter Pan.

Setting up a scene for the Robin Hood reels.
I hope to get my hands on these.

Shooting a little boat on a mirror.

If anyone in my family drew my name for Christmas here is an item you can find on Ebay that I would love to find under the tree.
I think I wore my original ones out.


Ward Jenkins said...

You should try Flickr. There's a free account you set up, but the unlimited Pro account is only about $25 or so. And you can use it to upload into your blog posts. I do. It's great. Plus, you can have greater control over who can see your pictures, etc.

And I have to say that this blog is great, too!

Bubbashelby said...

Awesome! Thanks for pointing this post out to me.

Unknown said...

Impressive that you've got these pics. They're more like BTS ( Behind The Scenes ) for live-action films. A lesson is to be had from all this: starting with the difference between 3D photography, and 3D conversion. There's something in the former that makes the mise-en-scene kick in ways that a lazy depth of field distortions doesn't; and that is actual staging and logistics, properties of which are inevitably absorbed in the plastics of the final work. You won't have that if it's just something off a desktop; you'll only get it flat. Because it isn't just the layering that's going to sell the picture: it's the breadth of shadows and angle as well, and the mark of live hands having built it. They should display this level of effort in Viewmasters again; maybe that's what will revive it as an artform and even a kind of cinema, like 8mms were.