Sep 22, 2011

Random Wrap Up

A few random shots from our Labor day weekend that I wanted to post before I go back to scanning slides.

Levi wanted to see what was under the Old Mulky Meeting House.

We warned him!

Me filling the meeting house pulpit.

Joel was showing Amanda the outside accommodations.

Levi was considering buying a poncho for work.
He should have bought it!

Amanda defying gravity.

Adam and Megan shrinking and growing.

Elaine and I turn.

Megan feeling groovy.

Elaine looking pretty in the crazy house.

Levi planking in the shrinking room.

Beth riding the Ferris wheel.

Elaine after running up all the steps from Mammoth Cave "Rocky Style".

Adam the alien.

Levi the singer.

Waiting on our King Fish lunch.

Eating by the river.

Ohio river in the background.

Megan and Adam.

Levi smashing a rock at the Falls of the Ohio.

1 comment:

Emmalea said...

Great pics! Your kids will have NO problem remembering your family time!