I initially said that the boys and I would camp out too but it turned out that Friday was one of the hottest days of the year.
So sleeping in a tent did not sound to fun to me.
We just stayed until after midnight and then went home.
The front yard that was nothing but grass when I was growing up was the forest for the camp out Friday night.
Here are the other cast of characters.

Dad took us to his peach tree and we ate some peaches and took a bag full home.
It was nice to sit around an open fire while the state was under a heat advisory.
That is how we roll!
I heard that this was the way the night ended.
Brett slept in a tent next to the fire while everyone else went inside.
He should try deodorant sometime.
1 comment:
Brett wins Uncle of the Year award! What a trooper he was. I was going to say, Happy Camper --- but with the heat index as high as it was, NO ONE was that happy about camping.
Just so you know, Dad called Brett on his cell phone (from the house because it was TOO hot to walk 200 feet to talk to him outside) and invited him to sleep in the A/C house - but he refrained. He reported he slept OK after about 2 AM.
I can assure you they all slept well and had to be awakened for a big breakfast around 10:30 AM. We topped off the week of Camp Grandkid with a couple pounds of bacon, a dozen eggs and yummy biscuits a gravy.
Papaw and I aren't positive about the kids, but it was a blast pretending to be parents again. We slept well Saturday night and assured there is a GOD because we survived over 20 years of hanging out with kids 24/7/365....and we are SO thankful they finally left the nest. THANK YOU, LORD!
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